Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Get a New Best Friend

Get a New Best Friend

By Jillian Michaels

You don’t have to jettison your old best friend, but studies show that owning a pet can help you lose weight, lower blood pressure, and reduce stress levels. These are not small side effects but rather dramatic ones. For each of these issues, pets may be even better than drugs. (This is probably why I have three dogs, two horses, and a bird.) A study at the University of Buffalo compared two groups of hypertensive New York stockbrokers: one group had no pets, while the other group took in dogs and cats after being pet- less for five years.  Those with pets were found to have lower blood pressure and heart rates than those without.  The researcher seemed to find that the drugs normally used to control and reduce blood pressure weren't quite as effective as animals. (The great part about this story is that many in the pet less group went out and got pets after they heard the results.)

Another study, conducted at the University of Missouri at Columbia, discovered that obese, sedentary individual who walked a dog - their own or one they borrowed - for 20 minutes 4 day a week, lost more weight than those who walked alone. They lost 14 more pounds per person over a one-year period without even dieting.  And one more: researchers at the University of Victoria in British Colombia found that of 351 participants, those who owned dogs walked, on average, 300 minutes per week, while non- dog owners walked only 168 minutes per week.

Okay, this is probably more research than you ever wanted to hear, and I’m sorry to bombard you, but I’m pretty passionate about this one. If you already own a pet – a dog or otherwise – you already know you can’t live without it. If you don’t, consider adopting one. You’ll be saving a life, and it can do miracles for your health, mental state, and waistline.

(Jillian Michaels / Slim For Fit / pg. 183 – 184 / Harmony Books New York / 2013 by EM Publishing, LLC)

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